07 September, 2012
Book Week
The other week we had Book Week!
It was awesome because we got to dress up as a favourite book character on Friday. Miss McIntyre dressed up as Bad Jelly the Witch and Mr Smith came as the Fat Controler! During the week we went to lots of different classrooms to buddy read. In the afternoons different teachers came to read to us. We also had a book fair where you could choose books you liked and then get your mum or dad to come in and buy them.
By Isla
03 September, 2012
Last Thursday Neil Sharsky from Graham Bradock art came to teach us about drawing. We had to draw lines with our writing pencils so we could get the shape of the duck right. Then we used an art pencil to go over the lines and shade in our birds. We did a pretty good job. The are up in the classroom so come and have a look!
18 July, 2012
Welcome Back!
It is Term three and we have lots of things on! On Tuesdays we will be learning about football with Peter from Mid canterbury Football.
We are learning about the Olympics and the sports and countries involved in it. Spellin homework will be coming home next week and we will also be practising our spelling heaps in class.
We are starting to learn about paragraphs and complex sentences in our writing. Miss McIntyre is bringing in a suprise for us next week to help us with our writing! We wonder what it will be!!!
Some of us are learning our times tables in maths! Others are working hard to learn about place value and basic facts.
We have to get our art work done for the calendars and diaries!
Please keep checking back as we put our work up and leave us a comment!
25 May, 2012
18 May, 2012
Dictionary Time!
In Room 7 we are learning to proof read and edit our own work. To help us find words we aren't quite sure of we have been using our new dictionaries.
14 May, 2012
Jump Jam and Zumba!
In Room 7 we have been doing our fitness inside when it is raining. We have had a go at Zumba and Jump Jam which is aerobic dancing. Check out our video to see how good we are getting!
27 April, 2012
In the afternoon we had a war between Room 7 and Room 6. We put stripes on our face so we knew what side we were on. We talked over the walkie talkies. We had bean bags instead of guns. There were chairs with blankets on them so that we could hide from the other class. We are pretty sure we won our war.
Liam and Isla
On Thursday we made ANZCA biscuits. These were the biscuits that people made for the soldiers that were in the war. They made these biscuts because they don't go off very fast so they were still okay eat after being on the boat for a long time. They aren't too hard to make but you would probably need an adult to help you. They were ANZACtastic!
Caendal and Skyler
19 April, 2012
School Survey
Hi Guys,
It is the start of a new term. I hope you had great holidays with your friends and famlies.
Please can you ask an adult to help you with a survey about school. It will only take 10 minutes. It is important that you do this so that I know how you are feeling about school, what your goals are and how I can help you to achieve them.
Click here to take the survey.
Miss McIntyre
It is the start of a new term. I hope you had great holidays with your friends and famlies.
Please can you ask an adult to help you with a survey about school. It will only take 10 minutes. It is important that you do this so that I know how you are feeling about school, what your goals are and how I can help you to achieve them.
Click here to take the survey.
Miss McIntyre
06 April, 2012
Happy Easter and holidays!
Bulla bulla everyone!
Happy easter to you and your families. If you are heading away I hope you have safe travels.
Please leave a comment to let me know what you are getting up to over the holidays! I am excited to find out what book we will be reading next term and to mark your spelling tests to see how much you have improved this term!
Have fun and spend lots of time with your families these holidays.
Keep checking back as I may add some pictures of what I am up to these holidays.
See you next term!
Miss McIntyre :)
Happy easter to you and your families. If you are heading away I hope you have safe travels.
Please leave a comment to let me know what you are getting up to over the holidays! I am excited to find out what book we will be reading next term and to mark your spelling tests to see how much you have improved this term!
Have fun and spend lots of time with your families these holidays.
Keep checking back as I may add some pictures of what I am up to these holidays.
See you next term!
Miss McIntyre :)
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